I feel I'm in this eccentric numbness and that's where from this poem arose. I didn't write it, I never intended to. It was as if my fingers were automated and I typed it out of nothing. Whatever it was, here it goes..

Wherever I go, there awaits a voice,
A voice but it has no sound..
It says something but never speaks,
I'm yearning to know what it is.
I follow it, all numb I go..
And hollowness is what it leads me to.
And ah! This hollowness is bright.
It didn't eat me, I still survive.

But what is a life, without a life?

Here I am, shattered and fragile..
But through the sand dunes, still I rise.
There is a rainbow in the sky, the thunder has gone,
But for the sake of it, I choose to put my sunglasses on.
My blood is cold, my body aches..
But for thy, the noble deed pain is all it takes.