The moon is full,
Enigmatic in the obsidian sky.
Life is still,
In hiding,
Awaiting the inevitable storm to subside.
There's no escaping,
Fighting only makes it stronger,
Surrender you must to the lunar goddess of Temptation.

I'm transforming,
Losing control,
To the full beam of the moon,
Penetrating my mind and soul.
Engulfing me with obsession ,
Burning me,
Slowly nibbling away at all elements of logic and reason,
Leaving behind satin's advocate.

I'm plummeting
Plummeting into the abyss of never ending need and selfishness
Sweet selfish sin
Alluring egocentricity
Seductive fathomless fantasy

The transformation is now complete
Blood is now where the money was

The moon has subsided
Unawareness and confusion is all that stands
Self-loath following in their footsteps
What was a temptation
Now belongs to the slave of the moon
My purse is empty

Guilt is the sun that burns the vampiress 
In its flames, is her salvation

Until.. the next season SALE!