[A little for the knowledge of the reader: I delivered this speech at our
farewell as the first intermediate batch of newly-established KV CRPF,
Lucknow. I joined the school in class 12th on 1st April 2010, though
was living in the same CRPF campus since 30th July 2008]
"Good bye to a memory,
Clean and new again
Friendship fading,
Fly on the wings of the wren."

A very good afternoon to one and all..
First of all, my heartiest regards to our dear 11thies for organizing
such a lovely farewell party for us
They say, every good thing comes to an end. And my end is standing
before me. And before I turn the most favorite pages of my life, I
would like to share them with you all.
Well, throughout my school life, I've been to 9 schools varying from
the Chandigarh to the Tripura, Jammu & Kashmir to the Assam. The
plains to the hilly and the rainy to the dry. But let me tell you
people that they all share that mutual enthusiasm, and that zeal &
spirit. The school life is the same great and worth-living everywhere.
And I can clearly recall all those stupendous memories about my school life.
School life is a perfect blend of that exhilaration to go to school on
the very first day. Of that "feeling at the top of the world" when you
get "stars" by your primary teachers at the bottom of your notebook.
Of that curiosity to make new friends. Of that pleasure to eat our
friend's tiffin. Of that fun to tease friends over stuff. Of that fear
of grasping all the syllabus before the exam. Of that greatfulness of
finding a perfect friend mentor & guide in your teachers. Of that
determination of never letting your hopes down. Of that feeling when
all you do is act demented with your peer-group. Of that unity and
bonding you fell all of a sudden when someone points out a finger. Of
that time you spend on excursions & camping with your buddies. Of that
excitement of waking up for school. Of that uninvited monday-blues.
And many, many, many more things. School is very correctly said as our
second home. And on the basis of my experiences, I sincerely support
It was my "school-kool" which helped me become a smarter person. In my
opinion, schools mould human out of apes. They are not merely
concerned with studies but touch all other aspects of your life. And
take care of your all-round development to compete with the world
outside. I cannot, for even a second imagine, that without schools,
what kind of a person I would've been.
And yes, its very true that in school, you find friends for a
lifetime. Friends, with whom you laugh, you cry, you share your
secrets, you solve your problems with, you study, you play & lastly,
whom you depend upon.
And you are blessed if you could find teachers, teachers who not only
teach you to just commit and vomit stuff in the examination paper but
teachers who guide you through each step of your life. Teachers who
not just take you as any other child for granted, but teachers whose
care compels you reminding of your parents. Teachers who support you
in public & moralise you in person. Teachers who don't just threaten
you but inspire you.

"Our minds are crowded with pleasant memories of school..
Its warmth, Its friendliness, Its exciting excursions
And its unpredictable lunchtimes."

Well, my journey in this school was short lived, but I managed to earn
such jwels, such friends & teachers. Though I had been living in this
campus for the last 20months, but I never visited the school until the
1st of April 2010. And the moment I entered the school, it managed to
touch me by its holiness & purity.

"My first day of school was a bittersweet experience.
It was the mix of excitement & loneliness,
Elation & mystery
It was entering a new world.
It was becoming part of a new family.
It was the excitement of a new adventure
And the crisp feel of the brand new, freshly ironed uniform."
You lack nothing in here & find complete support. Throughout the
school hours, you find such jolly people here who make you fell like a
family. And from academics to co-curricular activities, you find
complete support & enthusiasm in here.
"We will remember the ringing of bells
That signify the end of a long day.
The sweet sound of the kindies singing the school song
& National Anthem slightly out of tune
And the ghastly screeching of fingernails
Slowly scrapping down the board.
The drone of the teachers going on and on
The constant chatter of children in class.
Chairs clashing, desk lids banging.
Clocks ticking, feet stomping down the halls
The incessant buzz of traffic.
Coins being dropped in the canteen line
Children sobbing from a grazed knee.
And the shrill of the Phy. Education teacher's whistle
BANG! The piercing noise of the starter's gun
The elation of Thank-god-its-Sunday."

To leave such a place is to lose a part of myself. Its hard to bid
adieu to my perfect-happy-family.
And lastly,

"As I walk across this empty hall
I look back, count my last steps in this school,
My sanctuary.
I've walked this path many times
But its different now
With each step, Each eco,
I leave here a memory, a laugh, a cry, a part of myself.
I feel empty as I pour out my feelings
A last reminisce, a last cry, and finally..
As I open the door, I pause for a moment,
And think to myself..
I'm going to start a new, fresh, another beginning
I'm going to right my wrongs,
And become a better person.
As this chapter of my life comes to an end,
As this last teardrop falls,
As this last step is taken,
As this smile fades away,
I promise myself this:
I always and forever will be a true KVian!" :)

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